Hey there! I’m Rachael,  Certified Parent Coach + Integrative Trauma Practitioner  specializing in rage-free parenting.

My passion is equipping and empowering loving parents stuck in a cycle of rage & regret to become the C.A.L.M parents they long to be with my unique methodology.

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Hey there! I’m Rachael,  Certified Parent Coach + Integrative Trauma Coach  specializing in rage-free parenting.

My passion is equipping and empowering loving parents stuck in a cycle of rage & regret to become the C.A.L.M parents they long to be with my unique methodology.

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Become a C.A.L.M. Parent

Become a C.A.L.M. Parent


Learn how to correct negative behavior through connection and understanding so you no longer waste time and energy stopping the same behaviors again and again.


Discover the root behind what drives you to yell, threaten, bribe or punish and learn to shift the limiting beliefs holding you back from being the parent you long to be


Learn to quickly identify the root need behind every "bad" behavior so you can respond with understanding and teach your child to communicate their feelings and needs in healthier ways


Learn how to control your triggers and consistently model emotional regulation to your children so they learn how to effectively communicate with you and others around them

Raising future generations is the most important job we will ever have.

It may arguably be the most difficult job we will ever have too, but parenting doesn't have to feel exhausting or overwhelming. With a Certified Parenting Coach by your side offering on-going compassion, support and proven solutions, you can thoroughly enjoy parenting and get your children to listen and learn lessons without yelling, threatening, bribing or punishing.

"Something not one of my therapists had ever shown me or discussed with me."

"From growing up in a household with abuse and trauma, I have had my share of therapists. For years, starting in my early teens, I saw therapist after therapist and I was seeing no improvement in my behavior. It wasn’t until I gave birth to my sweet daughter that I realized I needed serious help. I was having rage spells of seeing red, where I would literally black out during the episodes becoming dangerous and destructive. I couldn’t shake it and almost began medicating…until one day I came across Rachael. Rachael is a parent coach. Not a therapist. I was desperate and signed up for her program with a few other Mamas. During the The Transformed Parent Program, Rachael showed me the ROOT of my behavior, the feelings associated with it, how to sit in “discomfort” of revisiting moments and how to self regulate my nervous system. Something not one of my therapists had ever shown me or discussed with me. In working through this I have since been able to control my rage and stay fully present when I feel the emotions rising. Yes I still become angry and am not always perfect, but I have not had a rage spell where I black out since working with Rachael. I am teaching my daughter how to feel and experience emotions and how to connect with my daughter during them and after. Parent coaching changed my life and actually taught me to heal. I am forever grateful for meeting Rachael!"

- Deidra .H

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Hi, I'm Rachael

Certified Parenting Coach, Integrative Trauma Practitioner  + Rage-Free Expert

​As a former daycare teacher and private nanny turned Certified Parent Coach & Integrative Trauma Coach, my passion is to help exhausted and overwhelmed parents to discipline their children without causing damage or creating disconnection. I have helped millions of parents worldwide, and now I’m honored to equip and empower you with tools to become the connected, attuned, loving and emotionally mature parent you long to be!

"I quickly learned that Parent Coaching provided me with a safe place for my inner child to show up and be seen and heard."


When I turned to parent coaching, I already had 10 years of therapy, and I thought I had healed from my past traumas, but I quickly learned that parent coaching provided me with a safe place for my inner child to show up and be seen and heard so I could understand how that relates to how I show up as a parent today. Rachael was able to bring me back to my past through visualization, identifying emotions, spending time feeling those emotions in my body so, for the first time, I could give my inner child the safety she was longing for and provide for her what her caregivers weren't able to through the safety and validation Rachael provided."

- Katie V.


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