Purchase The Replay

Rage Reset

Live Workshop

with Rage-free Parenting Expert, Rachael Rogers

Learn to interrupt rage and calm your emotions in the moment without expending a ton of time or energy.

Happening January 11, 2024 @ 7pm CST

(recording will be sent to all registrants 24hours after the Live Class)

Grab the replay now!

Are you an exhausted and burnt-out parent who finds yourself caught in a relentless cycle of rage and regret?

Are those moments when your children trigger you leading to outbursts of yelling, threats, punishments or disconnection

Do you spend days, weeks or even months beating yourself up after you’ve reacted?

You're not alone and there’s no shame in acknowledging that breaking the cycle of reactive parenting comes with its difficulties.

I understand that the journey can be tough, and that's why I’m here to support you through The Rage Reset Workshop;

your blueprint to calm, confident & connected parenting.


This Workshop provides quick and effective techniques to interrupt rage and regulate your emotions in the moment without expending a ton of time or energy so you can finally become the self-controlled, deeply-connected parent you long to be. 

As a former rage-filled and reactive parent myself, I understand the guilt, shame and regret that can follow a triggered moment, which is why I’m here to provide you with the proven roadmap that transformed me as a parent!

What you’ll gain from the Workshop:

The Root: Unveil the *real* underlying causes of rage and reactivity. Gain insights into your triggers and learn how to address them at the source.

The Release: Break free from the cycle of rage and regret. Learn effective strategies to release yourself from negative patterns, paving the way for a healthier and more connected family dynamic.

The Reset: Discover powerful techniques to reset your nervous system in the heat of the moment. Learn what it takes to remain calm and composed even when faced with challenging situations with your children. 

I am now the calm, connected, loving and emotionally mature momma that I longed to be and I know exactly how to help you!

The Rage Reset is your guide to achieving this transformation.

Are you ready? LET’S DO THIS!

Get The Workshop Replay


✓ 90 Minute Workshop



Meet Your Coach

Hi, I'm Rachael

Certified Parenting Coach + Rage Free Expert

As a former daycare teacher and private nanny turned Certified Parent Coach with over 55,000 hours of personal and professional experience, my passion as a coach is to help exhausted and overwhelmed parents discipline without disconnective strategies like time-outs, reward charts, verbal aggression or harsh consequences.